Monday, December 30, 2019

Essay on 18th Centry Slavery In North America - 922 Words

People crying for freedom and liberty from tyranny built a nation out of greed and unethical acts. The rapacious desires of a nation to gain wealth and possessions lead to the emotional and psychological trauma of West Africans and African Americans. In spite of being taken from Africa, the sweat and blood of these Africans contributed to the birth of the beautiful nation that would eventually recognize their descendants as equals. The Exploration Age commenced in the fifteenth century when European nations decided to expand their power for technological, demographic, and economic reasons. The results of European expansion lead to new discoveries, international trade of goods and people, migration, and rivalry among European†¦show more content†¦With less indentured servants in America to provide labor, the labor force transitioned from indentured servants to chattel slavery. â€Å"Unlike Spain and Portugal, who by the late fifteenth century were already enslaving West Afr icans in their domestic economies, the English had no prior model of slavery to serve them in the Americas.† Britain did not set out to enslave West Africans; they did not have the means to justify enslavement. The English later turned to the bible to justify participation in the Atlantic Slave Trade; The official rationale for enslaving Africans was that they were heathens, but slave traders and slave owners sometimes interpreted a passage in the book of Genesis as their justification. Ham, they maintained, committed a sin against his father Noah that condemned his supposedly black descendants to be servants unto servants. The English related the color black to sin. They justified slavery because the bible stated that Ham and his descendant’s punishment for sinning was slavery. The southern colonies were made up of large plantations that produced tobacco, cotton or rice. In comparison to northern states, the southern economy was dependent on the free labor African slaves provided. The plantation society was divided into four major groups: the wealthy planters, the smaller planters, the poor whites, and the Africans. Plantation owners often trained some

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Society Moral in Tithe by Holly Black Essay - 574 Words

In the world where both fairies and humans live together as one, but still not knowing one another exist, both society follow the same moral. Tithe a modern faire tale by Holly Black suggest that no matter who you are you should have loyalty in friendship though the faithfulness between the characters , trust and scarifies that have been made for each other. Loyalty in friendship is shown through the faithfulness of the characters. Robien, a faire had stayed faithful to Kaye after the day he met her. When the Unseelie court faire had come back and wanted Robien back he said, I am home, lady. Now tell your men to put down his weapon and I will allow you to leave Unseelie court unharmed. (Black 325) Robien was very actuated to the†¦show more content†¦Also, fairies do not trust anyone with their names but while Kaye is helping Roiben at a stage of death, he told Kaye his name. Kaye thought to herself, Faires didnt give their names easily even apart of their names, although she had no idea why. (Black 27) Robien knew she could control him if she found out his full name but still decided to trust her, because of her noble deed. In friendship trust is the most important part of loyalty. Moreover, the scarifies one makes for their friends also show the loyalty in the friendship. As Kaye saved Roiben from dying, sacrificing her own life shows the kind of friendship they have. While laying on the ground under a tree Roiben says, I am in your debt. I mislike not knowing how I must repay it. (Black 42) He is thankful to Kaye from saving her and now believes he has to give her life to her. This sacrifice shows how loyal friends would do anything for one another. Along with that Roiben ends up saving Kaye from begin sacrificed for the Tithe. When he saves Kaye, she says, Roiben had known all along what he was offering her his life, (227) During the sacrifice when the Unseelie court Queen began the ceremony he whispered to Kaye What is your but they use it more than you, telling Kaye she had to command him with his full name. Here he scarified himself to her even if it meant to

Friday, December 13, 2019

Bell Hooks Views Higher Education is Important Free Essays

The United States provides our society with the undeniable right to learn. The right to higher education is not limited to the middle and upper classes; it allows the less privileged, minorities, as well as both sexes, to receive an equal education. Two arguments which present interesting views on higher education are bell hook†s â€Å"Keeping Close to Home† and Adrienne Rich†s â€Å"What Does a Woman Need to Know? † Hooks views higher education with a concern for the underprivileged, whereas Rich views it with a concern for women. We will write a custom essay sample on Bell Hooks Views Higher Education is Important or any similar topic only for you Order Now Of the two works, I personally do not agree with Rich†s argument. Bell hooks views higher education to be a time in which we find ourselves and learn more about who we are. This concept remains difficult on the underprivileged because they do not want to be known for their background. They see themselves as less privileged, and therefore want to keep this hidden from their new society. These students face many obstacles in their lives; college presents a whole new and much larger challenge. The transition is also hard on them. They want to fit in and hide their past, but at the same time, they do not want to lose sight of their upbringings. Hooks felt that she was an outsider in college, because she herself came from an underprivileged background, while most of her peers came from privileged backgrounds. Hooks states, â€Å"I did not intend to forget my class background or alter my class allegiance†(88), but she felt that in order to succeed, she must change who she was. Society, peers, and educators make assumptions that label the underprivileged and minorities as † ‘lower class† people† who have â€Å"no beliefs or values†(88). Professors expect these students to perform badly because of their past and their reputation in today†s society. The students are not given the fair chance other students receive. Knowing the way society portrays them, the students keep to themselves. Even after they prove to be serious and capable students, they are still looked down upon. Hooks, at first, thought that in order to succeed in college, she must change who she was, to blend in with her peers. She said many â€Å"believe that assimilation is the only possible way to survive, to succeed. (89). After going through the transition and facing these obstacles herself, hooks came to the conclusion that this was not the case. She has maintained close ties with her family, knows where she came from, and has succeeded in life. Hook†s essay tells us that you can maintain close relationships with home and still succeed. Not only are the underprivileged discriminated against, but women are too. One extreme feminist side, Adrienne Rich claims that women are not getting what they deserve when it comes to higher education. Rich states, â€Å"There is no woman†s college today which is providing young women with the education they need for survival as whole persons in a world which denies women wholeness†(45). This, of course, is all due to male dominance. Rich believes women are outsiders in man†s world. She wants women to keep their outsider†s view and not think like men when they are placed in a prominent position. The sense of male supremacy discourages women from performing at an equal level. This goes along with the idea that â€Å"feminist studies are ‘unscholarly,† ‘biased,† and ‘ideological†Ã¢â‚¬ (46). Rich claims that the education women are receiving is leaving them powerless and vulnerable. She believes â€Å"that without such an education, women have lived and will continue to live in ignorance of our collective context†(45). Because of male dominance over women†s education, the chance for women to be educated the way women should be educated is one that Rich believes does not exist. Because of Adrienne Rich†s extreme views and harsh tone towards men, I disagree with her view on higher education. Just as Rich, I do believe that women have the right to an education. Men do not have a hidden agenda to keep women powerless in the world as Rich implies. Despite the fact that this argument was given almost twenty years ago when women†s rights were a controversy, her view of women, even then, is a bit demeaning. Her comment that motherhood deprives women of their power is ridiculous. Clearly, bell hook†s â€Å"Keeping Close to Home† and Adrienne Rich†s â€Å"What Does a Woman Need to Know? display a view of higher education in which people are being discriminated against. The underprivileged, as well as women, continue to be taken advantage of in our society. The right to higher education is given to all persons – rich or poor, black or white, man or woman. Some fail to realize the importance of higher education as a step in the right direction. This opportunity is one that should and can be taken advantage of by everyone who wants badly enough to achieve success and lead a successful life. How to cite Bell Hooks Views Higher Education is Important, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Contemporary Accounting Issues Wesfarmers & Woolworths Limited

Question: Discuss about the Contemporary Accounting Issues for Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited. Answer: Introduction This study deals with contemporary accounting issues in recent world. In this particular assignment, two companies are selected named as Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited. Both the companies are listed in Australian Stock Exchange. Wesfarmers Limited is one of the listed companies in Australia ( 2016). This particular business organization uses diverse operations cover in areas such as supermarkets, home improvements as well as department stores and industry products. Wesfarmers operates from more than 4000 discrete locations in and across Australia and New Zealand. On the other hand, Woolworths Limited is one of the Australian companies in retail sector in and across Australia and New Zealand ( 2015). It is considered as second largest company keeping revenue into consideration. This particular assignment covers main topic that complies conceptual framework as well as AASB Standards. Analysis Annual reports in compliance with conceptual framework and AASB Standard requirements Wesfarmers Limited complies with AASB and conceptual framework. Wesfarmers Limited remains consistent with the approach in response to IASB exposure draft ( 2016). Wesfarmers Limited models 2013 Exposure Draft shown in the financial statements as well as implemented on business systems and reporting. Wesfarmers appreciates for receiving invitation for participating for IASB outreach program on lease projects in the year 2012. On the contrary, Woolworths Limited mainly renders opportunity in discussing the concerns especially from the initial comment letter (Weil, Schipper and Francis 2013). The comment letter highlights property leases for lessees as per the proposed leasing standard. This organization treated all leases in form of financing alternatives coming as economic reality. Woolworths Limited maintains IAS 17 mainly because of on-balance-sheet recognition of leases for consistent accounting treatment ( 2015). It mainly treats economic implications for similar arrangement like long-term supply arrangements as well as service contracts. Conceptual framework revision including Prudence for addressing disparity in Corporate Reporting Introduction of prudence and reliability in conceptual framework mainly helps in addressing disparity in corporate reporting in variety of ways ( 2016). Most of the options address disparities with the help of accountability as well as fair representation of financial statements ( 2015). This particular strategy helps for increasing the simplicity of financial statements as well as improving the understandability by the potential users. Disparities in annual reports are main cause behind the issues of accountability as well as fair presentation of financial statements (Pratt 2013). It is presented in regard with requirements of AASB Standards as well as IASB through IFRS. However, introduction of prudence as well as reliability in conceptual framework mainly aims at ensuring reliability of financial information. This improves users information as well as has ability in deriving conclusions from the reports in aiding final decision-making process. Addition to that, prudence in financial statements ensuring that there is fair presentation of financial information regarding the company (Horngren et al. 2013). It mainly reflects true as well as fair view of financial positions and operations for a given period. Finally, it assists in corporate reporting as well as governance for Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited. Compare and contrast from the annual reports of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited Excluding asset sales, Wesfarmers mainly lifted profit at a rate of 6.1% in the financial year 2014 at $2.39 billion. Cole pre-tax earnings arrive at $167 billion ( 2016). On the other hand, Australia revenue considered as the second-largest supermarket rising to 4.5% to $37.4 billion. Office works earnings come at 10.8% to $ 103 million. Kmart profit arrives at 6.4% ranging with $ 366 million (Horngren et al. 2012). As far as Woolworths is concerned, group sales arrives at 4.7% ranging to $60.8 billion as well as net profit at 8.5%. Rise in normalized earnings especially from food, liquor as well as petrol operations. Liquor sales rise to 4.6% ranging to $7.4 billion. Hotels deliver at $1.47 billion in the given financial year (Henderson et al. 2015). Wesfarmers has shaded Woolworths considers as an investment in recent years. In accordance with Stock Doctor Database, Wesfarmers generates total return involves capital gains plus dividends. It arrives at 15.8% in past 12 months. From the past three years, it is observed that Wesfarmers delivered 20% a year for more than 5 years (Harrison et al. 2014). Woolworths Limited is the 12-month return generated from 6.8% for five-year financial year. By comparing Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited, share prices of Woolworths Limited slumps at 23% and shares and latter manages to limit their losses less than 2% ( 2015). Identification of disclosures of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited It conducted ways in accordance with AASB and IASB requirements on accounting in case of expenses. Both Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited make the disclosures of Executive Compensation as well as employee benefits at the same time. As far as AASB is concerned, it requires listed companies in Australian Stock Exchange for disclosing all employee benefits as well as executive compensation plans per year (Graff 2015). This mainly aims at improving in the major aspects of corporate governance in Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited. From major disclosures, companies improve in integrity as well as accountability in business operations for improving in the overall performance ( 2016). This paragraph explains Conceptual Framework stating the main purpose of annual reports. It provides users for using such reports for gaining information for final decision-making process. Cooperate disclosures in according with AASB and IASB entailing management disclosures as well as financial statements (Edwards 2013). It aims at presenting financial information for the companies. As per the requirement by AASB and IASB, financial statements require support from notes o accounts. This particular notes to the accounts aims at offering descriptions to accounts providing information to financial statements. Main notes to the accounts helps users regarding accounts for understanding the financial information in the most appropriate way ( 2016). Remuneration report Executive compensation in both the companies (Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited) is conducted with the help of share plans, incentives, bonus payments as well as salaries rewarded for services offered to companies for given financial period ( 2016). There mainly exists remuneration committee setting compensation packages for employees (Deegan 2013). Corporate governance mainly requires companies in disclosing amount that the employees compensated for services offering to firm. Remuneration policies of both the companies include structure for senior executives based upon key principles. This means attracting as well as retaining best people for job. It positions in giving fixed remuneration for the market median from top-level Executives. It is one of the significant portion presented in the executive remuneration resulted as satisfactory return to shareholders for future analysis purpose. Inventory Particulars Wesfarmers Limited Woolworths Limited 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) Inventories 5336 5497 4693 4872 Table: Inventories of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) Graph: Inventories of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) From the above table and graph, it highlights inventories of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited for the year 2014 and 2015 ( 2016). Wesfarmers Limited has more inventories in comparison with Woolworths Limited for given study (Deegan 2012). This means that Wesfarmers can easily manage with the inventories within the stipulated time. Accounts Receivable Particulars Wesfarmers Woolworths 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) Account Receivables 1584 1463 617 584 Table: Accounts Receivable of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) Graph: Accounts Receivable of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) From the annual report, it is easy to view at the accounts receivable of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited for the year 2014 and 2015. Wesfarmers Limited has higher accounts receivable in comparison with Woolworths Limited (Deegan and Ward 2013). This means that Wesfarmers Limited has access towards maintaining short-term obligations in the most appropriate way ( 2016). PPE (Property, Plant and Equipment) Particulars Wesfarmers Woolworths 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) Property, plant and equipment -6066 -6913 -9415 -10254 Table: Property, Plant and Equipment of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) Graph: Property, Plant and Equipment of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) The above graph indicates the fixed assets such as Plant, Property and Equipment for the company named as Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited for the year 2014 and 2015 ( 2015). Both the companies have negative PPE intangible that means these companies requires acquisition of fixed assets in the upcoming financial year (Bevis 2013). Liability Particulars Wesfarmers Woolworths 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) 2014 (AUD Million) 2015 (AUD Million) Total Liabilities 13740 15621 13953 14503 Table: Total Liabilities of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) Graph: Total Liabilities of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited (Source: Created by Author) Total Liabilities of Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited had been demonstrated with the help of tables and graphs in the year 2014 and 2015 ( 2015). This means that Wesfarmers Limited has less liabilities implying favorable condition for business organization. Lease In case of Wesfarmers Limited, 15-year lease to Wesfarmers subsidiary for options. Wesfarmers Limited turnover at $ 62.4 billion in the year 2015 Woolworth Limited has 12-year lease towards options for attainment of future goals and objectives ( 2015). Taxation Wesfarmers Limited follows log-term incentive metric ( 2016). On the contrary, Woolworths Limited redesigns increase in level of transparency as far as possible ( 2015). Transfer Pricing Figure: Change in stock prices in Wesfarmers Limited (Source: Beatty and Liao 2014) From the above stock price chart, it is evident that changes arrives at 0.49% and priced at $42.27 ( 2016). Figure: Change in stock prices in Woolworths Limited (Source: Barth 2015) From the above stock price chart, it is evident that changes arrives at 0.43% and priced at $23.10 ( 2015). Conclusion and Recommendations At the end of the study, it is easy to understand the fact that Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited based in Australia. Proper emphasis has been taken to conduct detailed Executive remuneration within the stipulated time. Entire study explains regarding Director Remuneration report in both the companies named as Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited. It is recommended to Woolworths Limited in managing inventory in the most appropriate way. Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited requires asset acquisition by purchasing assets that are more fixed in the near future. Annual reports signify the basis of financial accounting reports and qualitative characteristic of financial reporting for future analysis purpose. It briefly investigates regarding the remuneration concepts based on basic pay and incentive earned by following Executive Directors. Reference List Barth, M.E., 2015. Financial Accounting Research, Practice, and Financial Accountability. Abacus, 51(4), pp.499-510. Beatty, A. and Liao, S., 2014. Financial accounting in the banking industry: A review of the empirical literature. Journal of Accounting and Economics, 58(2), pp.339-383 Bevis, H.W., 2013. Corporate Financial Accounting in a Competitive Economy (RLE Accounting). Routledge. Deegan, C. and Ward, A.M., 2013. Financial Accounting and Reporting: An International Approach. Deegan, C., 2012. Australian financial accounting. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Deegan, C., 2013. Financial accounting theory. McGraw-Hill Education Australia. Edwards, J.R., 2013. A History of Financial Accounting (RLE Accounting) (Vol. 29). Routledge. Graff, S.K., 2015. Financial Accounting Services. Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minn. Harrison, W.T., Horngren, C.T., Thomas, C.B. and Suwardy, T., 2014. Financial accounting: international financial reporting standards. Henderson, S., Peirson, G., Herbohn, K. and Howieson, B., 2015. Issues in financial accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Horngren, C., Harrison, W., Oliver, S., Best, P., Fraser, D. and Tan, R., 2012. Financial Accounting. Pearson Higher Education AU. Horngren, C.T., Sundem, G.L., Schatzberg, J.O. and Burgstahler, D., 2013. Introduction to management accounting. Pearson Higher Ed. Pratt, J., 2013. Financial accounting in an economic context. Wiley Global Education. Weil, R.L., Schipper, K. and Francis, J., 2013. Financial accounting: an introduction to concepts, methods and uses. Cengage Learning. (2016).Reports. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2016]. (2015).Reports - Woolworths Limited. [online] Available at: [Accessed 9 Aug. 2016].